All methods just show me a blank screen, without data.
I have tried using the terminal (screen /dev/tty.usbserial 9600), I have tried CoolTerm and I have tried the inclinometer software provided by the manufacturer. If you're using RGB strip or LEDs without some kind of IC you can follow this Arduino example. When I plug in the USB cable and try to access the inclinometer, I get only a blank screen. This paper discusses the accuracy of measuring.

use CoolTerm or other software to establish serial connection with HC-06. If you create a new string, th app send it to the arduino immediately. With the 'Write new value' button can add the strings, what you want to send to the arduino. Then can send any character or word to the arduino. The easiest way to reprogram a receiver with the Prog4 is to create a series of text files with the instructions for the receiver. Voyager XP 1472g using BLE communication to an iOS device, there is not need. After connected to the BLE module, change the 'HEX' in the top right corner to 'STRING'. This demonstrates the basic use of an STM32 GPIO peripheral, and you’re already. The Prog4 was now ready to reprogram the receiver. With a button connected to the specified pin and Vdd, pushing this button will make a LED light up on the board. The Prog4 and the Rx102 were now bound together ( Note: if the Rx102 had previously been bound to a transmitter such as the Tx22, it will not forget that bind). I removed my thumb from the bind button and the LEDs on the Prog4 and the Rx102 flashed once a second in unison and then after a few seconds they both started flashing three times and pausing, three flashes, pause, etc.