
File searchy
File searchy


…which brings us to one of the things that’s cool about FileSearchy: that both the fast filename search using the NTFS Master File Table of “Everything,” as well as the search for file contents of such as Agent Ransack or SearchMyFiles is all in one utility. Such as the “Everything” utility is better for filename searching… …neither of which uses the NTFS Master File Table when searching for just filenames, so their nearly-sole usefulness is for searching for text and/or binary strings within files.

file searchy

Two excellent freeware tools for searching for searching for text within files are (in no particular order)… One thing that’s nice about FileSearchy is that the files that are looked-in for the sought-after text string can be specified and by narrowing the search like it, it can speed said search a lot. There are, indeed, various algorithms for it, some better than others. The whole business of searching for content (text strings) within files, though, is slow, no matter what app tries it. The “Everything” file searcher by VoidTools uses that methodology and I suspect so is the just-filenames search part of FileSearchy. The best and fastest way of doing the first one, which usually requires either no database, or only a small database of pointers but not actual filenames or even folder structures, is the kind that uses the NTFS Master File Table, which is an index of all files and folders constantly maintained by Windows, itself, for its own purposes and so any file searcher which taps into that may generally not be bothered to maintain its own database, and can also find files in fractions of a second, just like Windows, itself, can do. …and there are multiple ways of doing both.

file searchy

There are, in the main, only two types of search tools:ġ) those that find files based on their filenames and,Ģ) those that find files based on their contents


Download the program with a click on the following link: Note that we don't support the program in any way, and have uploaded it only for archiving purposes. The version runs fine on all supported versions of Windows. We have uploaded the latest working version of the program to our own server.

file searchy

Update: The developer website is no longer available which suggests that development of FileSearchy has been abandoned. The in-content search works well and while it may take the program a while to display all results, especially if you search a whole drive or large directory, you can get started going through results right away as they are populated in real-time. It offers a wide range of customizations that help you perform those searches and leaves little to be desired in this regard.


VerdictįileSearchy is a fast Windows Search alternative that lets you search for file names and file contents.


You can exclude file types or folders for example from the search to speed things up, enable full word search or case sensitive searches (both file names and in-contents), or disable the automatic skipping of binary files if you want those included in content searches. If you dig deeper, you will find several other options that may help you in your searches. Results are populated while the search is still ongoing, which works well as you can go through the current results listing while the search is still being processed. This search may take a while to complete, depending on the directory structure that you have selected for the search.

file searchy


A variety of file types are supported, including all Microsoft Office formats, pdf documents, HTML and other web documents, as well as all plain text types such as php or css files. The in-contents search feature provides you with the means to find specific contents in files.

File searchy