If you're clever, you can navigate puzzles with 4 portals instead of two, or set up flings that will have additional zoom as you sail from one timeline to the next. Portals placed in the present will also be waiting for you in the future, but portals placed in the future won't overwrite placement in the past. Moving a cube in the present automatically moves it in the future as well, however, if the future cube is in the present chamber it will fizzle and go back into the future. Operating within two test chambers is all good and fine but where things get particularly interesting is how objects in the present affect the future. I like to think this assures the present cube that I will always come back for it. You can then bring future cube back to the present where it can meet itself. If you find a cube in the present you can go through the future portal and find the very same cube waiting for you. For example, take the trusty weighted companion cube, ever faithful, always waiting. While the future chambers are geometrically similar, if not identical, it's how you can interact with objects between them that the meat of the puzzles are constructed from. Future test chambers are dilapidated structures filled with debris, not unlike the early chambers you encounter in Portal 2. Simply adhere it to any of your typical portal surfaces, step through and you'll pop out of the same wall you just walked into, but 20 years in the future, which, by the looks of it, isn't doing so well.

The mod introduces a rectangular green portal that lets you time travel. After several head scratching hours in the fourth dimension, I've finally finished Portal Reloaded, a user created campaign that offers a new, mind bending twist to the classic Portal formula.