
Wolframalpha power series
Wolframalpha power series

wolframalpha power series

Moreover, students were more precise in self-assessing in the indicators: Development of the solving process and use of the ACE, while they had major difficulties in self-assessment for the indicators: Comprehension of the problematic situation and argumentation. The results show a general correlation between tutor assessment and self-assessment, with a tendency of students to underestimate their performance. Through a quantitative analysis, students’ self-assessment and tutors’ assessment were compared data were cross-checked with students’ answers to a questionnaire. Each problem was assessed by a tutor and self-assessed by students themselves, according to a shared rubric with five indicators: Comprehension of the problematic situation, identification of the solving strategy, development of the solving process, argumentation of the chosen strategy, and appropriate and effective use of the ACE.

wolframalpha power series

Participants are grade 11 students (in all 182 participants) in school year 2020/2021 who were asked to solve 8 real-world mathematical problems using an Advanced Computing Environment (ACE). In particular, the investigation focuses on how accurate the students’ self-evaluations are when compared to external ones, and if (and how) the accuracy in self-assessment changed among the various processes involved in the problem-solving activity. The goal of this research is to study the relationship between self-assessment and the development and improvement of problem-solving skills in Mathematics. It is defined as “the evaluation or judgment of ‘the worth’ of one’s performance and the identification of one’s strengths and weaknesses with a view to improving one’s learning outcomes”. Self-assessment, in the education framework, is a methodology that motivates students to play an active role in reviewing their performance.

Wolframalpha power series software#

Para nuestra intervención hemos seleccionado las aplicaciones web de libre acceso Wolfram Alpha 1 (WA), basada en el CAS comercial Formación para enseñar matemáticas con aplicaciones web de cálculo simbólico Universidad Complutense de Madrid -2 -Jornada Las TIC en la Enseñanza Mathematica 2, y SageMathCell 3 (SMC), basada en el CAS de software libre SageMath 4, herramientas que han despertado recientemente el interés en la enseñanza de las matemáticas, especialmente a nivel universitario ( Dimiceli et al., 2010). Las recientes versiones web simplificadas de algunos CAS hacen que su integración en el aula sea más factible ( Dimiceli et al., 2010 Necesal & Pospisil, 2012 Botana et al., 2014). Botana et al., 2014), pero su complejidad de manejo ha hecho que su uso en la enseñanza secundaria haya sido testimonial ( Abánades et al., 2009). El uso didáctico de las aplicaciones de cálculo simbólico (CAS por sus siglas en inglés, Computer Algebra Systems) ha sido considerado de manera habitual por profesores universitarios en titulaciones de grado y postgrado de Matemáticas e Ingenierías en los últimos años (Allen et al., 1999 Kendal et al. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. "FindSequenceFunction." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research (2008), FindSequenceFunction, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2015). Cite this as: Wolfram Research (2008), FindSequenceFunction, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2015).

Wolframalpha power series